Last night the temps hit ZERO.
Freaking COLD!!!
Il fait FROID!

The people at home are concerned I am being smuggled across the borders by Arabs. No biggie, they were nice people. Really thick Morroccan accents, they were so crazy! Me and mau are going up now to finish up projects before we leave.

Yesterday we were sitting under Biographie waiting for temps to wander downwards, and we met a kid named Enzo. I angled my lens around to take mega-noob shots of the scenery.

Mau tells me he does 9a. Cool! The young sprouts are taking over the world. I have o go see if I can catch a ride with the spanish climbers into Spain. Hasta luego gringos...

(Zen moment.)


  1. I think Joe Kinder mentioned climbing with Enzo on his blog. Small world, ey?

    I LOVE the pic at the top of your blog. Seriously cool.

  2. well being interesting. I would worry more about the Arabs than you...are they safe? What did you do to them? Susan

  3. Wonder what else is happening?


Your soul wants to say: