the turning point

While I was using the prize money from the Miramont Monster Comp to buy my weekly vegan kibble, Matt texted about a night sesh, so I dropped the food and grabbed Moci, and caught a ride from Ana to his place.
We spent almost 4 hours working Turning Point, fighting spiders and climbing to a dying headlamp and flashlight, then finally called it a night when we started getting too silly from sheer muscular fatigue.
Matt is a G - climbing 4 days on, 3 of them outside. Too many steroid shots, in my opinion.
This was the last picture I took.

In orbit with Satellites

Meet Winston: has two arms, studies something I can't really articulate yet, hikes for ages, and crushes V3s like no other.

He is a truly wonderful, and did not mind his soul being stolen by my camera. (muahaha)

Erstwhilst we bumbled around the Satellite area and, in spite of sore muscles, got in a good sesh on Captain Hook and Turning Point with P-duddly, M-ster, and A.